The most expensive house sold was also in the Savski Venac municipality for 3.18 million euros, reports Beta.

In Belgrade Waterfront, the highest price per square meter of an apartment in the first quarter of 2024 in Serbia was 10,350 euros, according to the statement.

The most expensive garage space in the first three months of this year was paid 73,000 euros, also in Vračar, while the most expensive commercial space cost 3.09 million euros and was purchased in the Savski Venac municipality, also in Belgrade.

The total amount of money for real estate purchases in Serbia in the first three months of this year amounted to 1.5 billion euros, which was 2.6 percent less than in the same period last year, announced the RGZ.

As stated, out of the total 1.5 billion euros, 456 million euros came from the partially regulated market, i.e., transactions of real estate not registered in the real estate cadastre.

The total number of real estate transactions in the first quarter of this year amounted to 29,108, which is one percent less than last year.

The largest share in the total real estate turnover was the sale of apartments (834 million euros), accounting for 56 percent of the total transacted value.

For houses, 122.5 million euros were allocated, which is eight percent of the total value, for construction land 114.6 million euros, or eight percent of the total value, for commercial spaces 72.6 million euros or five percent of the total value, and for agricultural land 64.6 million euros, which is four percent of the total value.

It was specified that seven percent of all transacted real estate was paid from loans, which is one percentage point less than last year, and the most paid from loan funds were apartments (a total of 18 percent).